In Jeremiah 29, God tells His people in exile in Babylon to settle in their communities, buy houses, have children and seek the welfare of the city. God will bring them back home to the Promise Land after 70 years, but until then, Babylon is their home away from home, and as Babylon prospers, they prosper. The New Testament teaches that Christians are also in exile. Heaven is our home, but we are called to make our home away from home where we are planted and seek the welfare of our city until we reach the Heavenly City. The Jeremiah 29 Campaign is a $9 million capital campaign to purchase land and a building as a home away from home for Christ Fellowship Church. Heaven is our home, but until we get there, we want to invest in this home away from home for the next generation, the city, the gospel and the Lord.

Studies indicate that over 2/3 of people who receive Christ as Savior do so before the age of 18. CFC started 7 years ago with 3 kids on our roll and now we are blessed with over 100. We desire a better space that will facilitate their spiritual growth.

We desire a space that will better enable us to practice hospitality to our neighbors and can serve as a resource center and hub for the neighbors around us.

We desire a space that will enable us to continue to boldly proclaim the unchanging gospel to an ever-changing world.

We desire a space for His glory, not our own. Furthermore, we desire growth in intimacy with Him that can only be found by trusting Him with the results of this campaign and seeking him with all our hearts.



Q: Where is CFC looking for land/a building?

A: Our Building Advisory Team is hard at work looking for land where we can build a new building or existing buildings that we can renovate. They are looking at sites at/or north of Holcomb Bridge Road, at/or south of Old Milton Parkway, east of 400 and west of the Chattahoochee River.

Q: How did you arrive at the $9,000,000 total figure?

A: We used data analytics to project the next10 years of growth and had members of the Building AdvisoryTeam use that data to provide an estimate on the cost it would take to build or renovate a building that could accommodate that growth.

Q: What is the proposed timeline for the campaign for Funding commitments/collection, Site Identification, Purchase, Construction/renovation. Occupancy?

A: We would like to see campaign commitments given by October 2026. Our Building Advisory Team is hard at work to identify a site. While we are early in the process and this timeline may change, it may look like this:

  • Campaign Timeline:
    • Pledge/Commitment Card due from Leadership: 9/7/2024
    • Campaign Launch to CFC Membership: 9/8/2024                                                                                                      
    • Commitment Season for Membership: 9/29/2024 - 10/20/2024
    • Celebration Sunday for Pledges - 10/27/2024
    • Pledges/Commitments Fulfilled by: 10/1/2026     
  •  Building Timeline:       
    • Location Identification & Decision on New or Existing by: 3/15/2025                   
    • Begin New Construction or Renovation by   9/15/2025                                                     
    • Build or Renovation Phase Completed by  9/15/2027                                                       
    • Occupancy by 10/1/2027                                                                                                                        

Q: Will funding come primarily from member pledges or will other sources be employed?

A: Funding will come from four sources: those inside CFC, those outside of CFC, grants and a loan from a bank. If we can raise enough funds from the first three sources, we would be overjoyed to not need to take out a loan.

Q: How will the new building compare to our existing leased space? What kind of size and layout do we plan to build?

A: Our current main building location is 8,660 square feet. This includes a sanctuary that seats 200, 6 small kids classrooms (that were originally designed as offices) and a fellowship hall space. We have used data analytics and growth trends to project the kind of building we will need for the next 10 years. The building we plan to build or renovate will be at least 20,000 square feet, with room for at least 400 seats in the sanctuary, 9 or more large kids classrooms, a few offices, a conference room and a fellowship hall. If we are able to build a new building, we also plan on building it in such a way that we can easily expand it if we have need in the future.

Q: How will building this permanent church home for CFC impact each of the pillars of this campaign – the next generation, the city, the gospel and the Lord?

A: This building will allow us to impact the next generation by providing ample space to do ministry for kids and students as opposed to the overly crowded space we are using for kids and students today. It will be leveraged to impact the city by allowing it to be used for community events and by providing a space that is easier to invite our non-Christian neighbors to. It will be leveraged for the gospel by being a permanent place where the gospel is proclaimed, both to this generation and to ones that have yet to be born. It will be leveraged for the Lord by being a testimony to his glory and provision, not our own.

Q: What is the vision for CFC for the three years leading up to occupying our new building and for the three years following occupancy?

A: The vision for CFC once we get in the building is the same vision we’ve had since we were planted. We exist to glorify God through the gospel, in community and on mission. We will continue living out that vision in our new building, believing that the new building will help us better accomplish that vision. We believe we can better glorify God through the gospel by having a permanent place to gather and worship. We believe we can better glorify God in community by having a building that acts as a hub both for our church family and the wider community around us. We believe we can better glorify God on mission by having a building that removes barriers of entry for non-Christians, making it easier to invite them to church and hear the gospel proclaimed

Q: How can I make a gift to the campaign using stock or mutual fund ?

A: We encourage giving stock gifts through The National Christian Foundation (NCF). NCF was organized in 1982 to assist in Christian giving. NCF offers a way of giving stocks or mutual funds. For more details click on this link.

Q: How can I make a gift by check?

A: You can place a check in the offering box or mail it to:

Christ Fellowship Church
Attn: The Jeremiah 29 Campaign
2662 Holcomb Bridge Road
Suite 310
Alpharetta, GA 30022

If you would like to join us in this vision, please submit a pledge to be given by October 1, 2026 above and beyond your normal giving. Thank you!