Mission pARTNER prayer requests

As a church, we love to pray for God's work around the world. Here are some of the ways you can pray for our partners this month!

North American Mission Board

To date, approximately 2.56 million people have been helped through Send Relief funds. Continue to pray that this number will increase significantly over the years!

King's Hill Church

King’s Hill Church’s GenSend Interns are about halfway through their summer in Boston serving! This is one of the highlights of their year - getting to see who God brings to our church over the summer and into our King's Hill family! KHC is so thankful for their presence and labor in the city - truly an answer to our prayer of Luke 10:2!!

International Mission Board

83 missionaries, plus two previously appointed who participated with spouses, were recognized at this year’s Southern Baptist Convention. These new missionaries were celebrated for answering God’s call to “go.” Please pray for continued safety for these individuals and for the people they encounter to have softened hearts towards their message.


Pray for the CFC mission team that will be visiting North Africa this month. Continue to pray for their safety and for God’s kingdom as they prepare seminars for the language center.

* Names changed and location left vague for security reasons

Mully Children's Family

Pray for the CFC mission team that will be visiting MCF this month. Continue to pray for their safety and for the kingdom work they will be doing in Kenya.

Promise 686

Continue to pray for the Promise 686 ministry coordinators (Stephanie M., Bryson M., Kelly P., Dawn P., Tom P., Hannah R., and Melissa Z.) as well as the ministry directors (Jean R. and Johnna S.). We continue to thank God for their “yes” to His call and for the tough decisions they have to make on the job.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Pray for Bruce Boring, our Wycliffe partner. Pray for his work to continue to reach the Older Trees Cluster and his other translations.

North Fulton Community Charities

The average wage needed to pay for a 2 bedroom apartment is $35, but minimum wage is only $7.25. Please pray for those receiving financial assistance through NFCC so they can provide shelter and food for their families.

A Beacon of Hope

The ABOH Prayer Walk and Tour was an amazing opportunity to learn more about their clinic and the hard decisions their patients have to make. Please pray that our donations would bring light to the darkness and that women will continue to make positive decisions in their facility.


Three students from our youth group and two of our college-age students served at Camp Lighthouse last month and had an awesome time! We’re thankful for their willingness to answer God’s call to serve. Please pray for the kids coming to Camp Lighthouse this summer and for them to have opened eyes to the Gospel.