Learn more about our plan for our future and how we plan to invest together for the next generation, for the city, for the gospel and for the Lord.

You're welcome here.

Skeptics welcome.

Your questions matter to God—and they matter to us.  
Don't believe?
Have doubts?
Not even sure where to begin with spiritual questions?  
You don't have to have it all figured out before joining us. Whether you are skeptical about the Bible, don't believe in Jesus Christ, or do believe but have lots  of questions, we would love for you to join us this Sunday.

Sundays at 10:45
2662 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 310
Alpharetta, GA 30022

What is the gospel?

We invite you to explore 5 central truths of the gospel through several short clips, which are based on Romans 3:21-26. We hope you find them helpful!


Christ Fellowship Institute

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Sermon Archive

Discipleship Resources

Our vision

We exist to glorify God through the gospel, in community, and on mission.

We exist to glorify god...

We were created to magnify the greatness of God by enjoying Him supremely. This is what is means to glorify God, and this is what we seek to do as a church above all else.
But instead of enjoying God, all of us have sought our enjoyment elsewhere, which means it is impossible for us to glorify God on our own effort. We can only do it through the gospel.

through the gospel...

The gospel is the good news that although we have rebelled against a holy, just God, rightly earning his judgment, God responded to us with love. He sent his one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to live the life we couldn’t live, perfectly fulfilling the law of God in our place. He then died the death we deserved to die, perfectly taking the wrath of God in our place. On the third day, he rose from the dead, proving He conquered sin, Satan, and death, giving new life to all who repent of their sins and believe in Him.
The gospel changes everything by first changing our relationship with God. It transforms us from being enemies of God to friends of God, from spiritual orphans to children of God. The gospel enables us to glorify God by truly enjoying Him through a faith relationship with Jesus Christ. We desire to root our church on this good news by making it the central motivating force behind all we do. Practically speaking, we aim to glorify God through the gospel by worshiping Christ corporately, preaching Christ expositionally and following Christ prayerfully. This gospel that redeems individuals also creates an amazing way to glorify God as a new community.

in community...

This new community is a spiritual family, brought together not by race, language, nationality or even common interests, but by a common experience with God’s grace in Jesus Christ. We glorify God in community by acting as a counterculture to the main culture around us, seeking to build relationships based on sacrificial giving rather than on selfish getting. Practically speaking, we aim to glorify God in community by living life together, prioritizing church membership and developing godly leaders. This new community doesn't just exist for the good of themselves, but are sent out by God on mission to the world.

on mission.

This new community is sent out to glorify God on mission by being faithful to the Great Commission (making disciples of all nations) and the Great Commandment (loving God and neighbor). As a church, we seek to do this by strategically focusing on engaging the lost, equipping the church and embracing the vulnerable.


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